American Dream 35

Intermédiaires & Avancés


Ak freakAK FREAK  (Rachel Mc Enaney & Guyton Mundy)

Alcazar mg 1 ALCAZAR (Robbie McGowan & Karl-Harry Winqson)

ALL I CAN SAYALL I CAN SAY (Simon Ward & Rachael McEnaney)

Backtrack frenchBACKTRACK (Maggie Gallagher)

Celtic heartbeat irish i maggie gallagher 1 CELTIC HEARTBEAT (Maggie Gallagher) 

Champagne mgCHAMPAGNE (Alison Biggs & Peter Metelnick)

Darling hold my hand id103232DARLING HOLD MY HAND  (N. Fitzgerald & J. Harris)

Dj tonightDJ TONIGHT (Nicola Laferty)

Fly high maggie gallagherFLY HIGH (Maggie Gallagher)


Hard to say it cbaHARD TO SAY IT (Niels Poulsen)

Hey oHEY O (Darren Bailey)

11 jrai ou tu iras id100891J'IRAI OU TU IRAS (Jonas Dahlgren)

Knockin on wood 2KNOCKIN ON WOOD (Daniel Whittaker & Karl-Harry Winson)

Leti 6LETI (Séverine Fillion) 

Let it beLET IT BE (Rachael McEnaney)

Liquid lunch 5 LIQUID LUNCH (Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs)

MedicineMEDICINE (Magali Chabret)

Obsession OBSESSION (Roy Hadisubroto et Jose Miguel Belloquevane)

Off the chainOFF THE CHAIN (Fred Whitehouse)

Old beach roller coaster mgOLD BEACH ROLLER COASTER (Martine Ecke)

Play on michelle risley 2 PLAY ON (Michelle Risley)

Pride in mePRIDE IN ME (Kate Sala et Craig Bennett)

Raggle taggle gypsy o irish n maggie gallagher 1RAGGLE TAGGLE GYPSY O (Maggie Gallagher)

RECTO VERSO (Montana country show)

 Say geronimo 1SAY GERONIMO (Ria Vos)

SuperheroesSUPERHEROES (Maggie Gallagher)

UndoUNDO (Helena Jeppsson)

Uptown funk id101399UPTOWN FUNK (Rob Fowler)

The other side wow hawaiTHE OTHER SIDE (How hawai) (Rachel Mc Enaney - Rob Fowler- Niels Poulsen- John Kinser- Will Craig)

We are tonight mg 1  WE ARE TONIGHT (Dan Albro)

We only live onceWE ONLY LIVE ONCE (Robbie McGowan Hickie)

Young volcanoes 2 YOUNG VOLCANOES (Darren Bailey & Fred Whitehouse)